I am a strategic marketing and communications executive with nearly 30 years in communications and marketing. For the past 12+ years, I have focused on making an impact in K-12 public education communications where I have emerged as a chief storyteller and brand ambassador for school districts across the state of Indiana. Currently, I lead marketing and communications in one of the state's top-performing K12 school districts. Throughout my career, I have mastered the art of using digital communications and integrated marketing to shape a positive public school education story. I have contributed to helping build strong communities by fostering partnerships between educational institutions and communities. A dedication to promoting the value of public school education has led me to educate communications professionals nationwide in school storytelling, branding and marketing, utilizing various mediums, including digital, print, and visual communications. A passion for sharing my experiences has afforded me the opportunity to present at national educational public relations conferences in San Antonio, Anaheim, Washington D.C., and St. Louis. Additionally, I have been a featured presenter at local state conferences and higher education institutions. I have served on a crisis communications panel at a state education public relations and communications conference. I continuously seek ways to raise the bar in educational storytelling, marketing and branding. My commitment to excellence, combined with a collaborative approach, has been instrumental in enhancing the reputation of the educational institutions I serve.
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